
How to Get Dog Pee Smell & Stains Out of Wood Furniture

How to Remove Dog Urine Smell From Hardwood Floors Fast

german shepherd dog lying on wooden table outdoors
german shepherd dog lying on wooden table outdoors

It’s a common understanding among dog owners that having accidents at home is not fun. Cleaning up after your dog may be quite difficult, particularly if they are still urinating or pooping within the house.

Wood can be very difficult, particularly if it hasn’t been treated. The last thing anyone wants in their house is for it to retain the foul smell of dog poop if there is no protective coating. Let’s talk about some tried-and-true techniques for eliminating spills on hardwood floors.

Ways to Remove Dog Pee Odor from Wood Furniture

Baking soda

An all-natural odor neutralizer is baking soda. It functions by reducing the odor-causing enzymes in urine.

Depending on how bad the stain is, there are a few different methods for getting rid of dog poop smells from fabrics and wood.

It is possible to sprinkling baking soda directly on moist regions. Any powder should be gently massaged into the area using a cloth or sponge brush. As the baking soda absorbs the moisture, the pee will seep out of the wood.

You can completely get rid of the scent by just wiping down the area after the baking soda has had time to dry. The baking soda should be left in place for at least six hours to get the best effects.

A modest amount of water and baking soda combined in a bowl can be used to create a paste for older stains. Once the mixture reaches the right consistency, apply it to the issue area.

You can fully neutralize the odor by leaving it on for up to 24 hours. If necessary, clean the area or even vacuum it by hand.

baking soda
baking soda

Hydrogen Peroxide

Another excellent stain and odor remover is hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide also has the added benefit of killing germs, which is great if urine is seeping into your wood.

Make sure the pee is as clean as possible before using it. To allow the peroxide to do its job, the surface must be as clear of urine as possible.

Applying hydrogen peroxide to treated or untreated wood is safe. You can flood the area and let it do its thing. It is best to leave it on the hardwood surface for a minimum of ten to fifteen minutes.

To blot up the peroxide, take a cloth or another absorbent cloth. The area should appear brand new after it dries, free of any stains, odors, or aftereffects.

Cleaning Agent Enzymatic

Many treatments are available on the market to get rid of smells from almost any porous surface. These mixtures contain several ingredients, all of which combat odors. However, depending on how successful the product is, the outcomes could be different.

You might want to try Nature’s Miracle No More Marking Pet Stain and Odor Remover if this is a marking concern. It is effective on wood surfaces and other trouble spots in the house.

Look into a product like the Shop Care Super Enzyme Pet Urine & Odor Destroyer if this is the result of puppy training or even an aging pet that is losing bodily control. It gets rid of odors instantly.

To choose the best product for your wood surfaces, be careful to read reviews. These manufactured choices’ potencies and efficacies will differ.

Our very own Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray is our go-to product for eliminating pet odors and stains. Because it permanently eliminates even the worst odors and stains—poison, feces, urine—from nearly any surface you can think of, cleanup is a breeze.

The Wrong Ways to Clean Up Dog Urine

These are some solutions that will exacerbate the issue rather than solve it.

A steam cleaner

The opposite is true for hardwood floors, despite your natural tendency to use a steam cleaner to keep floors as clean as you would your carpets. The excessive moisture from utilizing a steam cleaner can harm hardwood, causing it to warp. Furthermore, by gluing the proteins together, the heat from the steam can intensify the odor.

Cleaner Based on Ammonia

Ammonia and other strong chemical odors can urge your pet to urinate in the same location repeatedly.

Combination of Substances

When cleaning up dog poop, vinegar can be quite helpful. However, you should never combine vinegar and bleach together as this will result in the emission of toxic gas. Additionally, you should not combine vinegar, ammonia, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or any other common cleaning.

DIY vs. Professional Hiring

If you know how to get rid of pee smells from wood floors, you can save a lot of money. Additionally, cleaning up spills right away rather than waiting for a professional to come out lessens the possibility that stains or persistent odors may develop. On the other hand, you run the risk of introducing stains in addition to the odors if you choose the incorrect cleaning agents or method for the floor finish.

Your dog is less likely to re-potty in the same unpleasant location if you hire a professional floor cleaning service in your area. They will have an arsenal of specialized gear and expertise of tried-and-true procedures to eradicate the stench for good.

The Price of Cleaning Hardwood Floors In a professional capacity

A mop and bucket, among other DIY hardwood cleaning equipment and tools, should not cost more than $25. The average cost of professional house cleaning is $170. Certain hardwood flooring boards may need to be replaced if the stains or smell are very strong. The cost of repairing a hardwood floor might reach $400.


You don’t have to live with the stench of dog poop in your lovely woods forever. There are many alternatives to counteract the scents, ranging in price from inexpensive to costly. You can get by whether you’re taking care of an aging pet, training a puppy, or a dog that is marking its territory.

Depending on the kind of wood you’re working with, these solutions will perform well. Which urine odor removal technique is most effective for you?

Commonly Asked Questions

What deters dog poop from sticking to wood?

A great option for a natural dog urine neutralizer is baking soda. Your hardwood floors can be free of the stench of dog poop by sprinkling it on a stain, leaving it overnight, and then vacuuming it the next morning. Another odor neutralizer is hydrogen peroxide, but use caution when combining it with other home cleansers.

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