
Why Does My Dog’s Ear Make A Crackling Noise?

Dog's Ear Make A Crackling Noise
Dog’s Ear Make A Crackling Noise

Dogs are treated as family members; therefore, anything wrong with them is regarded seriously. So it’s only normal to be concerned when you ask, “Why does my dog’s ear produce a crackling noise?” Well, there’s is a perfect answer for you today.


Causes of Crackling Noises in a Dog’s Ear

Infection, damage, or a ruptured eardrum can cause crackling noises in a dog’s ears. However, determining which one it is is not always straightforward. The trouble is that many of the symptoms of each of these problems are similar.

A dog shaking its head and scratching its head are two of the symptoms. Their ears may also be red, swollen, painful to the touch, and have an unpleasant odor. It’s natural to question how common certain symptoms are when you see them.


1. Pus/Fluid in the External Ear Canal

Pus or other fluid in the external ear canal could be making a cracking noise in your dog’s ear. A bath is the most common cause of pus or fluid in the ear. Water can go into the ear canals and become stuck if you’re not careful. Bacteria and yeast thrive in a dark and warm atmosphere.

Dogs with pus or fluid in their external ear canal toss their heads frequently. They may scratch their ears in an attempt to silence the noise.

As you can expect, if you hear the crackling and it bothers you, those loud noises are probably bothering your dog as well.


2. Ear Infection

A dog ear infection is another probable cause of crackling sounds in the ear. The following are symptoms of an ear infection:

  • Discharge
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

Hearing is one of your dog’s most valuable senses, so read the following information carefully.


3. Ruptured eardrum

Abuse, infection, changes in atmospheric pressure, and foreign objects can all cause a burst eardrum. Bacteria and fungi can enter the middle ear as a result of this, causing an infection.


Why Does My Dog's Ear Make A Crackling Noise?
Why Does My Dog’s Ear Make A Crackling Noise?

What causes infection?

A variety of factors can cause ear infections in dogs. Long, floppy ears, maltreatment, allergies, autoimmune illnesses, and certain skin conditions are all examples. Water or debris in the ear can also cause infection.


Steps To Take If Your Dog’s Ear Is Making A Crackling Noise


1. Call Your Vet

Infections and injuries occur even with routine care. In that scenario, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian. Allow them to find out what’s going on and the best course of action.

If your veterinarian is unavailable, they will most likely have contact information for emergency veterinarians on their website. If you need someone to view your dog right away, use them.


2. Check And Clean Your Dog’s Ears Regularly

The easiest method to deal with crackling noises in your dog’s ear is to prevent them from happening in the first place. In this scenario, we recommend monitoring your dog’s ears for signs of an issue on a frequent basis. Early detection of problems makes treatment much easier. Although each dog is unique, ears that are pink, smell well, and aren’t unclean or inflamed are usually fine to leave alone.

You can also clean your dog’s ears regularly. It does not imply that you should clean them daily or even weekly. However, now is a good time to consult your veterinarian about the best way to proceed.

Different types of cleaning exist. Wipes are specifically made for a dog’s ears, for example. You can also acquire a cleaning solution, which requires putting it in the dog’s ear, massaging it, letting it shake, and then rinsing the excess with cotton.


3. Try A Home Remedy

Before trying home treatment, we still recommend speaking with your veterinarian (and also after using one). Although home cures for crackling noises in a dog’s ears may be useful, they will not be as effective as what a veterinarian can provide. Furthermore, they will only work for certain infections, and your dog may be allergic to them.

If you want to give one a try, green tea and apple cider vinegar are two that have been proven to help.

Put green tea on a cotton ball and wipe your ear with it.

Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a pure cotton ball and wipe the ear with it.

Using alcohol is something we strongly discourage.


4. Regularly Groom, Your Dog

Some dogs, particularly Samoyeds, have an abundance of fur. Fur can get into a dog’s ears if it isn’t cut regularly. Apart from the risk of infection, a dog’s ears should be fur-free to allow for improved circulation.


What foods cause ear infections in dogs?

Your best bet is to keep your dog away from foods that cause ear infections. You can accomplish it by removing anything from your home that may cause ear difficulties, such as the following:

  • Weeds and grass
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Mold
  • Berries with mushrooms
  • Pesticides
  • Oak plants and poison ivy


Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Seek treatment

Ear infections in dogs do not heal on their own. They must be medicated (s). The longer dog owners wait to take their beloved pet to the veterinarian, the more severe the ear discomfort becomes. So, if you hear particular sounds from your dog’s ear, call your veterinarian immediately.

A dog’s hearing can be hindered by retained fluid/pus in the ear or an ear infection, in addition to causing ear pain. If not addressed promptly, a dog’s hearing loss may be irreversible.


Does he need an antibiotic for his ears?

Yes, he may need an antibiotic for his ears if he experiences an infection. If you are unsure whether or not he needs an antibiotic, it is best to consult with a doctor.


How to Prevent Your Dog’s Ear from Crackling Noise

Prevention is the greatest cure for a dog’s ear crackling sounds. The following are some methods for keeping your dog’s ear from crackling:

  1. Determine the source of the noise and address it.
  2. Allowing your dog to wear an overly tight collar is not a good idea.
  3. Make sure your dog doesn’t have ear infections or other ear illnesses.
  4. Keep your dog away from loud noises such as fireworks, music, or barking pets.
  5. Teach your dog to sit quietly when you say “sit.”
  6. When training your dog, avoid using a shock collar.
  7. Regularly treat your dog for fleas, and ensure you understand where the fleas are coming from so you can detect them and treat them appropriately.
  8. All toys you offer your pet should be sterilized.



Hearing and vision are two of your dog’s most vital organs, and if he isn’t receiving enough activity, your dog is likely to develop an ear infection and make a crackling noise. If you suspect your dog’s hearing or vision is impaired, take him to the veterinarian and have his ears filled. You can then take your dog to the groomer to get him groomed up and out if your dog’s sound quality or vision is bad.

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