
Can Dogs Eat Curry? 3 Harmful Side Effects of Curry Powder

Can Dogs Eat Curry? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Can Dog Eat Curry
Can Dog Eat Curry

Curry is the ideal example of this; regardless of the type, you should not feed it to your dog. There are many reasons why this is a bad idea, and we’ll go over them all here. In addition, we’ll highlight some other foods you should keep away from your dog and give you some great healthy treat options. If you’re like us, your dog comes by the dinner table no matter what you eat. They’re always hoping for a bite or two, but just because they want it doesn’t mean you should give it to them.

Curry can be a spicy, savory human food, but you should never add this meal to a dog’s diet. Read on to learn about the adverse effects curry consumption can have on your dog’s health.

The Reasons Your Dog Should Never Be Fed Curry

There are a few frequent elements in curry that render it completely inappropriate for canines. Even though you might believe you can exclude these components to create a curry that is “dog-safe,” after you eliminate anything your dog cannot consume, it isn’t really curry!


Anything that belongs to the onion family is an allium. This includes garlic, chives, green onions, and ordinary onions, of course. Dogs have an issue with allium toxicity, which can cause a sharp decline in red blood cell counts that could be fatal.

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Curry Powder

Curry often contains both chiles and cayenne pepper, but the truth is that anything that has capsaicin will make your dog sick. The ingredient that gives spicy meals its heat is called capsaicin, and since curry is well-known for being quite hot, it can be difficult to find a mild curry.

Curry Powder
Curry Powder

Curry Exits

Curry leaves can cause digestive problems for your dog if they consume them, even though they aren’t as dangerous as alliums or curry powder.

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet After Eating Curry

Vet Checking Sick Corgi Dog

If your dog gets into a little curry, you usually won’t have to take them to the vet, but you should still keep a watch on them. Take them to the vet if they begin to exhibit significant stomach problems.

You should speak with your veterinarian right away if your pet had a curry that contained a lot of onions. Hemolytic anemia can be fatal for dogs and is indicated by pale or yellow gums, collapsing, extreme weakness, and an elevated respiratory rate.

Remove the rind and any seeds before feeding your dog watermelon. Watermelon is a great sweet treat for your dog that doubles as a hydrating snack on hot summer days. Just because you shouldn’t feed your dog curry doesn’t mean that there aren’t any safe treat options out there for them. We’ve highlighted four outstanding treat options you can feed your pup when they’re begging for a bite of your food.

Verdant Beans

Your dog would love a snack of green beans. They provide your dog with the nutrition they require and help them feel full after eating them because they are high in fiber and nutrients.

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Bananas are a favorite food of most dogs and are a great source of nutrients. Despite the fact that they spoil quickly, another benefit is their low cost. But be careful when using bananas—they contain a lot of natural sugars.


Broccoli is another great snack for dogs. You can feed your dog either cooked or raw broccoli, but cooked broccoli is a little easier for your dog to digest. Just avoid any seasonings on the broccoli, as these aren’t healthy for your dog.

Other Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog

There are several items that you shouldn’t give your dog, even though there are some safe treat options available. Here, we’ve identified four items that you should never give your dog.


For good reason, chocolate is one of the traditional foods you should never give your dog. Chocolate has a lot of sugar, theobromine, and caffeine, all of which are bad for your dog. Theobromine is particularly harmful.


Many foods, including some peanut butter, include the artificial sweetener xylitol. Be sure to always review the ingredient list before giving your dog any food. While xylitol is safe for humans, it can induce dangerously low blood sugar and possibly liver damage in dogs.

Macadamian Nuts

Dogs that consume macadamia nuts may have symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, and fever within 12 hours of ingestion. Giving your dog access to your macadamia nuts is not a safe practice.

Dairy Most mammals—including dogs—are not very tolerant of lactose. Smaller amounts of milk, cheese, or other dairy products often don’t hurt, but bigger ones can cause considerable discomfort and stomach problems. Even while your dog may enjoy eating the dairy, it isn’t worth the suffering it will cause them.

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Nothing prevents you from providing your dog with some nutritious treat options on the table, even though you shouldn’t feed them curry. Give them lots of nutritious treats every now and then, but keep the curries far away from them!
You shouldn’t give in to your dog’s requests just because they beg for them, even though they trust you to protect them.

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