
Corgi With Floppy Ears: 10 Step to Straighten Them

Corgi With Floppy Ears

The traditional pointed ears of Corgis are well-known. On the other hand, most corgis are born with lovely floppy ears that don’t stand up on their own until the dog is considerably older. Although corgi with floppy ears are charming, you may wish your corgi to develop the breed’s standard ears.

There’s no need to be concerned about the floppy ears. They are completely typical in puppies. Moreover, the floppy ears will eventually be able to stand on their own. When, on the other hand, do Corgi puppy ears stand up?

Usually, a Corgi’s ears will only partially remain floppy. It isn’t always the case, though. Their ears may remain floppy for the rest of their lives. Between the ages of 5 and 15, a Corgi puppy’s ears will usually stand up straight. However, you may have one floppy ear and one ear sticking up if this isn’t constantly in sync.

Once they’ve finished teething, most Corgis’ ears become less floppy.

While corgi ears should not stand until they have finished teething, a soft ear-flap can suggest a calcium deficit. This is because they must absorb calcium for the ear cartilage and bones to function properly.

However, some Corgis can wait until they are eight months old before their ears stand up on their own.

Is it true that Corgis are born with floppy ears?

Corgis are born with floppy ears. Though it’s a normal ear characteristic, the floppy ears may disappoint some people looking to buy one of these wonderful little dogs. Corgis are measured by their standards rather than by physical traits. Therefore, there is much more variation among what different corgi breeders consider good conformation for sale at typical puppy sales events, and specialty bars can vary.

Some may only require excellent temperaments or strength/energy levels. However, some Corgis may need ear cleaning to keep them from sagging and drooping in the front.

How to Tape Corgi Ears Up

This is a simple method and one that doesn’t require any specialized equipment. You can get it done at home or in the veterinarian’s office.

This will only work if your corgi has floppy ears. It won’t work on dogs with erect ears.

When you’re ready to do this, and the Corgi puppy’s ears droop from their super cute floppy state, lift each ear just enough to move into place and listen for any signs of discomfort and loose skin.

Some dog owners believe taping their corgi’s ears will make the dog stand up. It is wrong as taping them for too long will cause pain and possibly injury to your pet. The main method how to make a corgi’s ear stand up was by taping, but it won’t work unless you do this safely. Tape can be dangerous if left on longer than needed because it could increase the risk of infection or damage the tissue, which causes the skin to be pulled and, in worst cases, tears.

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Some taping techniques will leave it unsafe for your puppy’s ears; however, some may work well, but you must still know how to do it correctly.

Step one: Take the dog’s ears and clean them thoroughly. It will prevent infection and damage to the corgi’s ears.

Step two: Use a masking tape to hold the corgi’s ears in place. Start by putting a piece of masking tape all around, going to both sides and the base of your dog’s head. Then, stick one end inside each ear ears are usually flesh-colored, so it shouldn’t be confusing

The kind we use comes with Velcro strips that you attach to both ears. You then wrap these pieces of Velcro around themselves twice. With your thumb and index finger, gently pull the tape until it’s taut. Then, hold the tip of the tape with your fingers to easily slide it over your puppy’s ears. While holding corgi ears, take the tape and press it against his head.

Step three:

  1. Pull off the excess tape.
  2. Put the new piece on his head.
  3. Pull up your puppy’s ears and then gently let go.

It will keep it in place for the time being, but you may need to do this occasionally throughout your puppy’s life as he grows up and his ears change.

Step four:

  1. Hold onto one ear at a time to stand upright on their dogs’ instincts and apply firm pressure down towards the base of his skull behind both ears using a pencil eraser or tape measure.
  2. Tighten the tape. If you’re feeling brave, give it a treat as well.
  3. Repeat this step with the other ear.
  4. Carefully peel off the masking tape and throw it away. The corgi will now look like a Corgi.

Step five: Now that we have the ear pressed, we can tie the collar. Take your rope or ribbon and go around your puppy’s neck twice with about one inch between each loop of string but not too tight; this will allow him to breathe easily. It is also an important step because you don’t want pressure on his windpipe, which can cause breathing problems that may lead to serious health problems.

Step Six: Pretend that you’re tying your shoelaces for the second time; you might want to get help from someone else, but it doesn’t have to be like a slavish act of copying exactly what we do; in these directions, so don’t hesitate! The main point is that this collar should fit loosely enough around your dog’s neck and yet firm enough that it hasn’t pulled back off and be uncomfortable. If your dog finds the collar too tight, it might rebel against wearing it or start to pull at his new look!

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Step seven: After you’ve made a couple of knots in one end, tie both ends together with some more rope so that he can struggle without tangling himself up in the process for eternity. All kidding aside, though, this will help him get used to wearing this now permanent collar.

Step eight: Your dog will be more relaxed after the operation, but he might still react to his new ear from time to time. It could be due simply to a sore spot on his neck, but it is still likely that he will act up and alternate between the stylish new look with a low growl or barking fit whenever someone approaches him. Therefore it’s in your best interest not to let those around you worry about these squeaks or seizures; reassure them as though nothing has changed.

Step nine: If you’ve done everything right, the tape should now be straight. However, your dog might still have some trouble with hearing.

His ears may be not aligned properly, and thus, the sound doesn’t go into his brain efficiently. As a result, your puppy might seem to hear only half of the normal volume, and recordings could sound distorted or muffled by comparison.

However, there is a fix for this kind of problem: as we explained earlier, you should equip your puppy with medical ear muffs (those that look like little furry over-eared hats for dogs). The anti-distortion devices will protect it against harm caused by rope.

Step ten: You should now have two ears that are straight and connected, with the tape still on. If this is the case, you’ve done it! Next, take your pup out for a walk and enjoy him.

Please consult with your vet if you experience any wield attitude from your corgi puppy.

Tips for straightening corgi with floppy ears

First, get the puppy into position. Then, take a few steps back and start with short bits of tape. If it doesn’t work out for some reason, try again.

As the hacking starts to work, you can tighten every procedure step. Every time you move closer to your goal, it is a strong sign that things are headed in the right direction! Hacking with tape might take some running around and fight until something satisfactory comes from all this effort and pressure on your puppy’s neck – but keep going! You should notice after three or four steps how both ears are behaving.

Remember that hacking is like offering your puppy a free collar, this time in the material rather than metal! And he will most definitely be more eager to accept it. If you try muzzling, the result will probably not be so spectacular.

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Dog owners believe there’s no need to devise such ingenious and cute methods as tape hacks or medical ear muffs for their papooses, especially if one has no intention of aggression or force misusing. Instead, these solutions are all about making your dog’s life easier with some special methods and techniques that can result in a pleasant effect on his ears, behavior, and health.

Supplements like Mederma slimming shampoo case could work for your furry friend even if he doesn’t have floppy ear problems.

Corgi ears that remain floppy in the Pembroke and Cardigan corgi should be checked for an infection. Possible causes include ear mites, infectious bacterial or fungal infections, as well as a variety of other diseases. However, Pembroke corgis are more likely to lose their ears from genetic factors, so Pembroke puppies have upright ears much earlier than cardigan corgis with standing up floppy ones in the same litter.


Can Corgis have floppy ears?

Some people believe that Corgis with floppy ears may be born with them, while others believe that they can be caused by excessive exposure to cold weather. If you are concerned that your Corgis may have floppy ears, it is best to take her to a veterinarian for an examination. The vet can determine any damage and if corrective action needs to be taken.

Why don’t my Corgis ears stand up?

Some breeds of dogs, including Corgis, have a natural fold of skin that lets their ears lay flat against their head. As a result, their ears will not stand up when they are excited or cold. While this is not a problem during the warmer months, it can be a problem during colder months when their ears may freeze. To prevent this from happening, keep their ears warm by rubbing them with a towel or heating pad. In addition, please provide them with enough exercise to move constantly, and their ears are constantly cool.

Why are corgi ears down?

Down Syndrome corgi ears may be down due to health issues or injury, while other times, it may be a sign of submission or aggression. However, it is usually a sign of worry, anxiety, or excitement.

Can I use scissors to trim off my dog’s floppy ear hair, or will it hurt them?

If the dog is calm and doesn’t seem to be in pain, it may be okay to trim off the hair with scissors. However, if the dog is more excitable or prone to being afraid, then it may be better to leave the hair alone. Trimming the hair too short could cause excessive bleeding and lead to hair loss.


It is generally believed that all corgis have floppy ears, though this may vary depending on the corgi breed. It is also believed that some breeds, such as the Corgi Welsh Corgi, are more likely to have floppy ears than others. If you are unsure whether or not your corgi has floppy ears, you can always ask your veterinarian or a breeder.

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