
How Much Should a Golden Retriever Puppy Sleep?

Golden Retriever, Dog, Sleeping, Affection, Brown Sleep

Do you have a Golden Retriever puppy that is crying all the time? Are they constantly waking up during the night? If so, you might be wondering how much sleep your puppy should be getting. The answer is as much as your puppy needs. You don’t need to supply your puppy with a special diet or regimen to ensure that they get enough sleep. All puppies need the same amount of sleep. Here are some guidelines on how much sleep your Golden Retriever puppy should be getting and some tips to help you get your little one sleeping soundly every night.

So How long do Golden Retrievers sleep?

Golden Retrievers typically sleep for around 12 hours a day. They will typically go to bed between 10 pm and midnight and usually wake up around 7 am. After that, they will usually rest again for around an hour before getting up for another round of playtime. However, there are exceptions to the typical sleeping pattern of a Golden Retriever. It’s estimated that about 40% of Golden Retrievers sleep for around 12 hours between 6 is and 2 pm every day.

They will often wake up very hungry, so you must make sure your little one gets as much food as possible this time if they don’t have anything leftover from their last meal during the night.

Golden Retriever puppy sleeping outside should be supervised at all times.

Golden Retrievers Puppies and Sleep

As with all puppies, you are providing your Golden Retriever puppy with enough sleep is important. As they grow older, the amount of sleep decreases, but the importance of getting enough rest does not.

To help a Golden Retriever puppy get a good night’s sleep, you may try the following:

Try taking your Goldie outside in their stroller for a nice stroll before bedtime. Studies have shown that dogs who go on walks after eating tend to fall asleep quicker than those left alone. Then, have a nice sitz bath while they are sleeping.

This helps get rid of loose fur, dust and fleas, which can cause the dog some discomfort if left unrinsed or let dry on their skin for too long during the night.

Supervise your Goldie with very low light levels to ensure that it does not adjust its sleep cycle should an outside playmate arrive unexpectedly at home from out of town.

Sleeping Stages in Adult Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers sleep in 4 different stages: NREM, REM, Active and Wake.


NREM sleep occurs during the night when a dog is at rest. The brain slows down to only 2% of its waking speed during this stage. As a result, the heart and lungs are completely relaxed, but the dog will still breathe in this stage of sleep.

2- REM

A Golden Retriever is need for REM sleeps is about 25% or less than their amount of NREM periods because their brain only uses 20% of its capacity during a dream state, so they become mentally drained as well as physically tired when kept awake after about 12 hours without a proper rest period in which to recuperate from the body’s energy demands.

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3- Active

An active phase in which the dog is least likely to get disturbed lasts about 10-15 minutes and then comes back into REM sleep for another 25%. This cycle can be repeated many times a night during different stages of NREM and REM phases but will not occur if you’re awake.

4- Wake

The fourth stage, called Wake, occurs when a Golden has been roused by someone shaking them or snapping its leash. Some Golden might also be woken by barking for no apparent reason, usually because that shows they were raised and taught to respond in those situations.

A Golden Retriever loves being close to people and can never remember a bad experience with his owner if he is scolded once the behavior was put through proper training at an early age due to miscommunication between dog & owner.

Factors that cause Golden Retrievers to sleep more than usual

Although dogs do not have the same circadian rhythm as humans, they are still animals and follow some basic sleep patterns. Dogs need to be tired to get a good night’s rest. The following factors can make Golden Retrievers sleep more and be in a very good mood.

1. Stress

Your dog may be stressed when it’s time for bed. Dogs need to be sad when they are asleep because they cannot see and hear anything while sleeping in safety like a human would do during sleep if he is not stressed out by fear or remorse. Dogs usually get tense when their master takes away all of their comfort – such as his toys especially furry ones, food bowl, teddy bear/blanket from around him.

2. Hot Weather

Hot weather is a factor that could cause Golden Retrievers to sleep more hours. This is because, during hot weather, dogs tend to seek cooler areas to cool down and relax. As a result, Golden Retriever puppies are more likely to sleep in the day’s heat and, therefore, snore.

3. Illness

Puppies are prone to illness and are more likely to sleep when they have a fever. Therefore, if your puppy is sick, it will be less active and, as a result, will sleep longer.

4. Diet

If your dog is not getting the right diet, it will sleep more. Retrievers need a good amount of protein in their diet to maintain muscle mass and stay healthy. If you are feeding your dog the wrong type of food, it will suffer from muscle loss, which will make your dog sleepless.

5. Seasonal Changes

A common reason why dogs sleep longer during or after seasonal changes is that they are evolving their sleeping and eating patterns to cope with the change of seasons at this time, as well as maintaining a normal blood sugar level for energy even though it can be difficult for them due to not having access to food throughout the day and night in open areas.

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6. Diet

The diet of your dog can affect its sleeping habits. If you feed your dog high-quality food, it will be less likely to sleep for longer periods. Make sure that the dog food you buy is not too fatty or sugary; and ensure your puppy gets a good amount of protein in its diet.

7. Boredom

Another factor that can make dogs sleep more is boredom. It is natural for dogs to feel bored during the day, especially when they are not being entertained. For example, boredom could be caused by too much play or a boring walk in the park.

Sometimes, human owners try to force their dogs into a bed at night even though they are not tired because they feel like it is important for the dog that sleep happens at some point during the day and night, sometimes evolving into something which can last much longer than 12 hours, 48 hours or 72 minutes respectively.

The level of tolerance among dogs varies greatly based on age and nature, so an old and young Golden Retriever can be much worse than an 80-year older adult with the same issue. The only thing that applies to both cases is that dogs go through different phases of alertness, wakefulness, and sleep depending on their environment (especially the timing concerning human activity). They need to rest at least approximately 12 hours every day, just like humans.

The most important factor towards getting more quality sleep for your Golden Retriever is the consistency of your training routine which should be evenly and regularly applied. This means that you are sticking to the process and doing a trial run before it happens in real life; otherwise, negative behavior will develop on its own or at least change over time into something else as a form of anti-social response by your Golden Retriever, who might become trigger/aggression rather than awareness /appreciation towards himself being punished.

How Much Should A Golden Retriever Puppy Sleep?

Sleeping Tips for Golden Retriever Puppies

If your puppy is sleeping more than usual, it is a good idea to take note of the following tips:

1. DDon’tlet them sleep too long – You may be tempted to let your dog sleep all day long as it seems that they are taking their own time. However, Golden Retrievers puppies grow faster and, at the same time, need constant training, so do not let them sleep too long because otherwise, they will begin to feel lethargic throughout the day as well, causing more problems than if you had exercised them more often throughout a given workday.

Overall, keep in mind that most children of 7-8 months tend to “tart being kids”-

2. Make a schedule for the day.

3. Golden Retriever puppies need to be in a routine to know what is expected of them. Therefore, schedule their daily activities when you take them out for play.

4. Ensure They Get Enough Sleep

A puppy needs at least twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep a day. Therefore, you need to allow your dog an appropriate amount of rest before vigorous training sessions. But, on the other hand, it will make them exhausted and maybe too vulnerable to distractions.

5. Eliminate Loud Noises From a Playground or Other Activity It is proposed that if you leave the radio on in another room, dogs are more receptive and can hear it without distraction than actually being exposed directly to the hearing

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6.D Don’t Give In to Bedtime Whining

Whining is an attempt by your puppy to get attention. It’s important to let it know that whining will not work and it should stop. A good way of doing this is by allowing the pup to play for a while after dinner while you are sitting there, giving him instructions to leave the toys alone.

Sleeping Golden Retriever Puppy: What to Expect

Golden Retrievers are extremely loving, fun-loving dogs. They are very easy to train, and you can teach them almost anything. This makes them excellent family pets.

Though they may be playful and energetic dogs, Golden Retrievers can be difficult to train. It would help if you remembered not to punish a Golden Retriever when it is being aggressive around the house or with family members, as this could teach them how to assert dominance over you and others. For example, if your dog prefers playing with toys rather than one person at a time, do not use force on him when he tries getting close attention from his owner by pulling; doing so can seriously injure overexcited dogs.

Do puppy Golden Retrievers sleep a lot?

This can be a difficult question to answer, as there is no set amount of sleep that all puppies require. However, a general rule of thumb is that puppies should be sleeping for around 12 hours per day. This allows them to be energized and active throughout the day while promoting healthy growth and development. If your puppy is not sleeping enough, health consequences may include weight gain and developmental delays.

Where should my Golden Retriever puppy sleep?

This can be difficult to answer, as each dog’s sleeping habits are unique. For example, some dog owners may prefer to put their dogs in a crate, while others may prefer to have them sleep on the bed. However, it is important to keep in mind that your Golden Retriever puppy needs enough sleep to be rested and energized for the day ahead. Some tips for ensuring your puppy gets enough sleep include:

  • Provide a bed that is big enough for them to sleep in comfortably.
  • Training your puppy to sleep in their bed at night.
  • Providing a quiet environment to relax and sleep soundly.

How much do eight-week-old Golden Retriever puppies sleep?

This can be a difficult question to answer, as the amount of sleep that eight-week-old Golden Retriever puppies sleep will depend on various factors, including the age, activity level, and health of the puppy. However, an eight-week-old Golden Retriever puppy should be sleeping from 12 to 16 hours per day.

How often does a Golden Retriever puppy sleep?

This can be not easy, as Golden Retrievers puppies will sleep at different intervals throughout the day and night. Golden Retriever puppies will sleep for about 12 hours a day, but this number can vary depending on their age, activity level, and stress levels. Some puppies may even sleep more or less than this.


Golden Retrievers are a great breed. They have a loving and gentle nature that makes them perfect companions for families. But, if you can live with their flaws, they will be your best friend forever. Certainly, other breeds may be friendlier and more entertaining, but they’ll also require time.

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