Mixed Breed

Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix: The Ultimate Guide to the Ratchi


If you are looking for a small, lively, and loyal dog that inherits some of the best qualities from both the rat terrier and the chihuahua, then you might want to consider the rat terrier chihuahua mix, also known as the ratchi. This mixed breed dog is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many families, thanks to its playful, affectionate, and cuddly personality.

But before you decide to adopt a ratchi, there are some things you need to know about this breed, such as its history, appearance, temperament, health, grooming, training, and more. In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about the rat terrier chihuahua mix, and help you decide if this is the right dog for you.

What is a Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix?

A rat terrier chihuahua mix is a designer dog that is not recognized by any major kennel club, but it is registered by some smaller organizations, such as the American Canine Hybrid Club and the Designer Breed Registry. This means that the ratchi is not a purebred dog, but a mixed breed that was created by intentionally breeding two different breeds.

The ratchi may have existed naturally over the years, but it was only in the last few decades or so that breeders started to produce them deliberately, mainly in North America. The main reason for creating the ratchi was to combine the intelligence and energy of the rat terrier with the independence and loyalty of the chihuahua, creating a versatile and charming dog.

Parent Breeds

The Parent Breeds Of Rat-Cha

To gain a better understanding of what to expect from the ratchi, it is important to learn about its parent breeds, the rat terrier and the chihuahua. Here is a brief overview of each parent breed.

Rat Terrier

The rat terrier is a small to medium-sized dog that originated in America, where it was used as a farm dog and a hunting companion. The rat terrier is one of the most diverse dog breeds in the world, as it was developed by crossing various breeds, such as the fox terrier, the bull terrier, the Manchester terrier, and many more. Originally bred to eliminate rats and other rodents, the rat terrier also proved to be a great hunter of small game, such as birds, rabbits, and squirrels. The rat terrier is known for its spitz-like appearance, with a pointed muzzle, erect ears, and a curled tail.

The rat terrier has a smooth and short coat that comes in various colors and patterns, such as black and tan, chocolate, merle, brindle, and white. The rat terrier is a very alert, active, and attentive dog, with a bold and confident personality. The rat terrier is also very intelligent, but very independent and stubborn, making it a challenging dog to train. The rat terrier is loyal and devoted to its owner, but can be aloof and reserved with strangers. The rat terrier is also very possessive and territorial, and needs early and frequent socialization to prevent aggression.

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The chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, but it has a huge personality. The chihuahua originated in Mexico, where it is considered a national symbol. The chihuahua is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, dating back to pre-Columbian times. The chihuahua was originally bred to be a companion and a sacred animal. The chihuahua is known for its fox-like appearance, with a round head, large ears, and a short nose. The chihuahua has a smooth or long coat that comes in various colors, such as red, black, fawn, cream, and white.

The chihuahua is a very alert, lively, and playful dog, with a feisty and sassy personality. The chihuahua is also very intelligent, but very independent and stubborn, making it a difficult dog to train. The chihuahua is loyal and loving to its owner, but can be unfriendly and aggressive with strangers and other animals. The chihuahua is also very protective and territorial, and needs early and frequent socialization to prevent barking and biting.


The rat terrier chihuahua mix can vary in appearance, depending on which parent it takes after more. However, some general characteristics of the ratchi are:

  • Small size, with a height of 8 to 18 inches and a weight of 10 to 25 pounds
  • Spitz-like appearance, with a pointed muzzle, erect ears, and a curled tail
  • Smooth and short coat that can be solid, spotted, or brindle
  • The most common colors are black and tan, chocolate, merle, brindle, and white
  • Round or almond-shaped eyes that can be brown, blue, or bi-colored


The temperament of a rat terrier chihuahua mix can also vary, depending on its genetic makeup and environmental factors. However, some general traits of the ratchi are:

  1. Loyal and devoted to its owner and family members
  2. Curious and playful, with a tendency to chase small animals and explore new things
  3. Loving and affectionate, with a desire to cuddle and be close to its humans
  4. Intelligent and trainable, but also stubborn and mischievous at times
  5. Friendly and sociable, with a good attitude towards other dogs and people
  6. Protective and alert, with a strong sense of territory and a willingness to bark at strangers
  7. Funny and cute, with a lot of personality and charm

How to Take Care of a Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix?

Taking care of a rat terrier chihuahua mix requires some attention and dedication, as they have some specific needs and challenges. Here are some tips on how to take care of a ratchi:

  1. Provide them with a balanced and high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs and prevents obesity, which can cause health problems for both the rat terrier and the chihuahua
  2. Give them regular exercise and mental stimulation, as they are energetic and smart dogs that need to burn off their calories and boredom. A daily walk, a game of fetch, or a trip to the dog park are some good options
  3. Brush their coat at least once a week, as they shed moderately throughout the year and more heavily during the shedding seasons. This will help to remove loose hair and dirt, and keep their coat healthy and shiny
  4. Clean their ears regularly, as they are prone to ear infections due to their erect ears. Use a cotton ball and a gentle ear cleaner to wipe their ears and check for signs of redness, odor, or discharge
  5. Trim their nails every few weeks, as they can grow quickly and cause pain and injury if they are too long. Use a nail clipper or a grinder to cut their nails and avoid the quick, which is the blood vessel inside the nail
  6. Brush their teeth daily, as they are prone to dental problems due to their pointed jaws. Use a dog toothbrush and a dog toothpaste to clean their teeth and prevent plaque, tartar, and bad breath
  7. Take them to the vet for regular check-ups, vaccinations, and parasite prevention, as they can inherit some health issues from both of their parents. Some of the common health problems of the ratchi are hip dysplasia, eye problems, allergies, hypothyroidism, and respiratory problems
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Training a rat terrier chihuahua mix can be challenging, as they can be stubborn and independent at times. However, they are also intelligent and eager to please, so with some patience and consistency, they can learn to obey and behave well. Here are some tips on how to train a ratchi:

  1. Start training them from an early age, as they are more receptive and adaptable when they are young
  2. Use positive reinforcement and rewards, such as treats, praise, and toys, to motivate them and reinforce good behavior
  3. Avoid harsh punishments and scolding, as they can make them fearful and resentful, and damage your bond with them
  4. Be firm and consistent, and establish yourself as the leader of the pack, as they need to respect your authority and follow your rules
  5. Teach them the basic commands, such as sit, stay, come, and leave it, as they will help you to control and communicate with them
  6. Socialize them with other dogs and people, as they are friendly and outgoing dogs that need to learn how to interact and behave properly
  7. Train them to stop barking excessively, as they can be noisy and annoying, especially if they live in an apartment or a neighborhood with close neighbors. Use a command such as quiet or enough, and reward them when they stop barking
  8. Train them to stop chasing small animals, as they have a strong hunting instinct that can make them run after squirrels, rabbits, cats, and other critters. Use a leash and a command such as no or leave it, and redirect their attention to something else
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Is a Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix Right for You?

A rat terrier chihuahua mix can be a wonderful addition to your family, as they are loyal, curious, loving, friendly, and funny dogs that will bring a lot of joy and happiness to your life. However, they are not suitable for everyone, as they have some drawbacks and challenges that you need to consider. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you get a ratchi:

• Do you have enough time and energy to provide them with the exercise and stimulation they need?

• Do you have enough space and resources to accommodate their size and needs?

• Do you have enough patience and experience to train them and deal with their stubbornness and mischief?

• Do you have any allergies or sensitivities to dog hair or dander?

• Do you have any other pets or children that may not get along with them?

• Are you prepared to deal with their health problems and vet bills?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then a rat terrier chihuahua mix might be a good match for you. If you answered no to some of these questions, then you might want to look for another breed that suits you better.

Where to Find a Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix?

If you are interested in getting a rat terrier chihuahua mix, you have a few options to find one. You can:

  • Look for a reputable breeder that specializes in ratchis, and ask them for their credentials, references, and health certificates. Expect to pay around $300 to $800 for a ratchi puppy from a breeder
  • Look for a rescue or a shelter that has ratchis available for adoption, and ask them for their background, history, and temperament. Expect to pay around $50 to $200 for a ratchi adoption fee from a rescue or a shelter
  • Look for a rat terrier or a chihuahua breed-specific rescue, as they sometimes take in mixed breeds and find homes for them
  • Look for online platforms or websites that connect ratchi owners and adopters, and do your research and due diligence before you make a deal


The rat terrier chihuahua mix, or the ratchi, is a mixed breed dog that combines the best qualities of both the rat terrier and the chihuahua. They are loyal, curious, loving, friendly, and funny dogs that can make great family pets. However, they also have some challenges and drawbacks that you need to be aware of, such as their health problems, grooming needs, training difficulties, and barking tendencies.

If you are looking for a dog that is small, lively, and loyal, and you are ready to commit to their care and training, then the rat terrier chihuahua mix might be the perfect dog for you.

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